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Generator Charge

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To assist you in maximizing the use of generators for charging your caravan, we’ve put together some helpful guidelines.

Selecting the Right Generator:

When considering a generator for your caravan, it’s essential to choose the appropriate type. The Caravan requires a neutral bonded generator rather than a floating type. The system will alert if the generator is not neutral bonded generator with error indicating no earth.

Understanding Generator Stalling:

A common issue that caravan owners may encounter is generator stalling. This occurs when the demand for power surpasses the generator’s capacity. With the array of appliances and devices typically used in caravans, it’s easy to unintentionally overload the generator, leading to stalling.

Introducing the Power Assistant Feature:

To address the challenge of generator stalling, the inverter has a feature called the Power Assistant. This feature is designed to seamlessly assist you in managing your caravan’s power supply, particularly during times of high demand.

Here’s how it works:

  1. The system has a default AC input setting at 15A, which means it allow the system to draw maximum 15Amp from the shore power/generator
  2. When you use the generator, you need to adjust this setting below your generator capacity if you want to use the power assistance feature without stalling the generator
    • For example, you have a 3000KVA generator, it may give you maximum 12amp. When you use more than 12amp, the generator will stall.
    • by setting the AC input to 11amp or lower, it will allow the system to draw maximum 11amp from the generator which will prevent the generator from the stalling
    • If you use more than 11 amp in the van, say 20amp, the system will only draw 11amp from the generator, and inverter will step in to assist the rest of amp by using the battery power.

How to Change the AC Input?

***Always change the setting with cautious, the Default Setting for AC input is 15Amp, do NOT change exceed 15amp***

The Parameter you need to change is the AC input xxx A, the default setting is 15Amp

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